Videos & Recital Info

Recital 2025

Join Us As We

"Seize The Day"

Friday, May 23 7:00pm

Saturday, May 24 11:00am

Saturday, May 24 3:00pm

Saturday, May 24 6:00pm

Ticket Link Coming Soon!

Ask anyone... NADC's annual recital is a spectacular show! An exciting theme, colorful backdrops, creative props, fabulous dancing, and the world's best emcee, Mike Rickles, make the annual recital a "don't miss" event!   At NADC's recital, students learn correct theater etiquette, stage directions, backstage technical procedures and of course improve their stage presence and performance skills. The Directors and staff of NADC believe that performance is an important part of dance education.  Each year an exceptional concert is planned for the students. Thirteen months is required for the planning and production of this special event.   While all teachers, parents and students know that class work and technique are the most important part of studying dance, none can deny the fun and anticipation of participating in a major production for an enthusiastic audience!

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